Reading at Home
Staff at St James' fully recognise the importance of reading as an enabler across the curriculum. Because of this we support the reading of our students in many ways:
• Twice weekly reading lesson looking at fluency and comprehension
• Opportunities for class reads and individual reading time every day
• A well-stocked library with books selected with children's interests at heart
• All books levelled accurately to ensure children are choosing challenging books at their appropriate level
• Rewards in place for strong engagement in accelerated reader programme
As well as developing childrens fluency in reading, the school is also working on developing a child's comprehension (understanding) of a text. When reading with your children at home, please feel free to refer to this booklet. The booklet explains an approach to reading we have adopted in school known as VIPERS. Each letter stands for a different type of comprehension question a child may be asked:
V - Vocabulary
I - Inference
P - Prediction
E - Explain
R - Retrieve
S - Summary
The booklet gives types of VIPERS questions that can be used for any book.