Our Gallery
Class 6 - Viking Beacon workshop, by Mrs Foye
Class 6 - RE - The Good Samaritan, by Mrs Milligan
Class 4 - Art - William Morris, by Mr Carruthers
Class 6 RE - Love, by Mrs Milligan
William Morris prints , by Mr Tyson
ICT - Podcasts, by Mrs Sharkie
Class 1 Viking Visit to the Beacon, by Mrs Leonard
Viking newspaper reports, by Mrs Foye
Class 1 Viking Longships, by Mrs Leonard
Class 1 Science - Investigating Magnets, by Mrs Leonard
NSPCC Maths Day, by Mrs Leonard
Class 4 - Beamish Trip (Time Travelling!!) Part 3 [Videos], by Mr Carruthers
Class 4 - Beamish Trip (Time Travelling!!) Part 2, by Mr Carruthers
Class 4 - Beamish Trip (Time Travelling!!), by Mr Carruthers
Class 6 - What did Jesus look like?, by Mrs Milligan
Art - William Morris Printing, by Mrs Sharkie
Beamish , by Mr Tyson
Beamish, by Mrs Kitchin
EBASC activities, by Mrs Thomas
Donations, by Mrs Thomas
Celebrating Chinese New Year, by Mrs Thomas
Class 3 - Music - Blackbird L4, by Mrs Milligan
RE - Our guidelines for living, by Mrs Milligan
Class 4 - Robotics, by Mr Carruthers
Class 6 - number day 2019, by Mrs Milligan