PSHE 2024 - 2025
Mrs Jopson
Developing the whole child is important to us at St James'. Through are carefully sequenced program of PSHE and RSE we aim to instill understanding of themselves and the workd around them.
All of our school community conduct themselves in the 'St James' Way', which is summed up by 3 simple strands:
Be Kind
Be Respectful
Give Your All
This ethos underpins everything that we do and is a code for students and staff alike. Interactions are kind ad respectful, behaviour shows compassion and understanding of others and the school staff and children give their very best each day, as we grow and learn together.
Our Christian Values of Friendship, Peace, Compassion, Endurance, Forgiveness and Thanfulness indicate the qualities we recognise as important in promoting in our students. We also understand and recognise the Importance of British Values. , with further information in the files to download section below.
Relationships, Sex and Health information
Dear Parent/Carers
As per our school Relationship, Sex and Health Education Policy, the school leadership teams and governors wished to share information on the topics covered across the school this term. As per our school policy, we have made the decision not to look at the biology of reproductive organs or indeed the biology of sexual intercourse. These will be areas that are statutory in secondary education but not in primary.
In order to inform parents on content, please see the 2 videos below that will be used as part of the block of work. They will be used to teach children about puberty and menstruation. These videos have been edited to match our policy and will be taught in separate gender groups when appropriate.
The focus of the unit in lower school will be based on health and wellbeing, families and relationships and safety. No elements of puberty (changing body) will be taught in Year 3 & 4.
If you have any questions regarding any of this content, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Beattie or Mrs Milligan (RSE Coordinator)