4/11/19 - Collective worship committee - peace babies

Class: Church Links & RE Year: 2019 - 2020

The collective worship committee have been quiet so far this year and that is because they have been working on other things, recruiting new members and coming up with new ideas for the school prayer.
But this week they evaluated a whole school worship led by Mr Beattie. We are still tweaking/ working on our questionnaire but here are three children's responses to a worship on peace babies...

What was the key message from the worship?

It is about when war stops. 
Everyone has differences.

Being king and respectful. 

What did you learn from this? How will it have an impact on your day to day life?

That everyone is different.

We need to respect differences. 
It makes me respect everyone. 



Contact Us

Please direct all enquiries to Mrs H Maiden at the school office:

Telephone 01946 695311 or email admin@stjamesjun.cumbria.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Beattie

St James' Church of England Junior School. Wellington Row, Whitehaven, Cumbria CA28 7HG